August 26, 2022

8 Discussions That Your SaaS Content Marketing Team Should Be Having Right Now

Derek Flint
Derek Flint

Take out your pencil and paper to create a list. 

The list we want you to create are the top subjects worth understanding if you’re interested in building a GREAT SaaS content marketing program.

That’s the exercise we did to develop the following 8 topics featured in Season 2 of the Content That Grows podcast.

They went as follows:

Check out the overview of each episode below. 

Every piece of content, from blogs to videos to podcasts, requires at least some basic understanding of your ICP and what they’re trying to do. Without insights from your target audience, you wouldn’t know what topics to cover or where to distribute your content.

In this episode, Nate Turner and Kevin King discuss everything from how to gain a better understanding of your ICP, to using the Jobs To Be Done framework and what happens when you create content without an ICP in mind.

TL;DR Moments in the discussion worth checking out:

✅ 2:06 - Using other teams and pivoted CRM data to identify ICP data

✅ 4:28 - How earlier stage SaaS companies can identify their ICPs

✅ 8:55 - Ineffective persona building vs understanding the human who is reading your content

✅ 12:52 - Understanding ICPs based on the Jobs To Be Done (JTBD) framework

✅ 17:25 - Practical advice for getting to know your ICP's pain points

✅ 24:09 - Start your content strategy with a product-led approach

✅ 32:11 - What happens when you create content that isn’t focused on your ICP

Listen to /watch the full episode here →
Related Articles:

Using Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs) To Improve Your Content Marketing's Efficacy

Product-led content: What it is, why you need it, & examples to show you how to build it

There are seemingly endless numbers of content topics worth creating for most brands. 

However, building off our conversation in episode 1 about understanding your ICP, there are a few strategic ways to approach the topics you choose to prioritize first.

Episode 2 features Nate Turner and Derek Flint chatting about selecting and prioritizing topics, building focused clusters out, and the common pitfalls that trip content marketers trying to make these decisions.

TL;DR Moments in the discussion worth checking out:

✅1:45 - Effective starting points for choosing your initial content topics

✅4:44 - Topic research closer to your product/ICP vs from a keyword research tool

✅ 8:38 - How aligning on topic themes gives teams unity plus creative freedom

✅ 16:48 - How to think about building clusters of related content topics

✅ 22:11 - Interpreting Google Search Console data to inform content topic choices

✅ 27:05 - Organizing your website for like topics based on user experience

✅ 31:32 - How search intent is used to create the content someone is looking for

✅ 39:53 - Common pitfalls content team run into when selecting topics

Listen to /watch the full episode here →
Recommended Article: How to Choose Content Marketing Topics That Will Grow People’s Interest in Your SaaS Company

Topic clustering is an SEO must-have and promotes a UX layout your readers will appreciate. 

For those unfamiliar with clustering, it refers to internally linking related content together, allowing people to easily flow between different pieces of content.

Nate Turner, Kevin King, and Derek Flint discuss why every company should practice clustering, how to get started, and examples of companies that do a great job using this tactic.

TL;DR Moments in the discussion worth checking out:

✅ 3:10 - How Topic Clusters Heighten the Overall User Experience

✅ 9:10 - Why Topic Clusters Generate Better SEO Results (Rankings)

✅ 15:16 - Examples of Topic Clusters You Can See In The Wild

✅ 24:46 - How to Start Building Out A Topic Cluster

✅ 32:46 - Determining the Number of Pillars and Clusters To Build Out

Listen to /watch the full episode here →
Recommended Reading: Building Content Pillars That Reward Your Readers and Showcase Your Authority

Many companies can create content, but only a few have harnessed what it takes to level up their content to “GREAT” consistently.

Nate Turner and Raven Haynes stepped into the recording studio in this episode to discuss the differentiators between average content and content that will leave you in awe. 

From including unique angles to building thorough content briefs with killer workflows, you won’t want to miss this one.

TL;DR Moments in the discussion worth checking out:

✅ 1:22 - The Differentiators Between “Okay” Content and “Great” Content

✅ 4:22 - Creating Content With a Unique Angle That Ranks

✅ 8:44 - Where to Start if You’re Looking To Improve Your Existing Content

✅ 14:23 - What An Effective Content Workflow Looks Like

✅ 18:01 - The Best Content Comes From Detailed Content Briefs

✅ 23:48 - The Essential Components to Include in an SEO Content Brief

✅ 28:01 - SaaS Companies Using High-Quality Content That Fits Well With Their Product

Listen to /watch the full episode here →

One of the foundations of good content marketing is understanding how to move people through blog posts the way you want them to. 

This requires realistic goals for each piece of content based on where a potential reader might be in their learning journey and the contextual intent of the content they’re reading.

In episode 5, Nate Turner, Derek Flint, and Kevin King cover the types of conversions that work well on blog posts, an ideal starter layout for companies getting started, and ways to improve the conversions of underperforming posts.

TL;DR Moments in the discussion worth checking out:

✅ 1:38 - The Types of Conversions That Tend To Work Best For Blog Content

✅ 6:10 - What Makes Downloadable Templates or Tools an Effective Conversion Tactic?

✅ 9:07 - An Initial Blog Layout To Ensure You’re Ready To Capture and Convert Your Audience

✅ 15:24 - Managing CRO and Content Publishing as You Scale Is an Evolving Process

✅ 17:00 - How to Approach Creating More Effective CTAs In Your Content

✅ 21:54 - Diagnosing and Approaching Content With High Traffic but Low Conversions

Listen to /watch the full episode here →

The theme of episode 6 is consistency. 

From users to algorithms, consistently publishing new and regularly updating your existing content is the difference between a positive, trustworthy user experience and an ever-expanding mess. And that mess will eventually have to be cleaned up.

Nate Turner and Kevin King cover the many reasons you should prioritize consistency and some tactical ways to build it into your current content processes.

TL;DR Moments in the discussion worth checking out:

✅ 1:27 - What’s the Value of Having a Consistent Publishing Cadence?

✅ 6:53 - What’s Required for a Team to Consistently Publish Content?

✅ 12:07 - Why Some Companies Shy Away From Consistently Publishing

✅ 17:34 - Why Take Advantage of Updating Your Existing Content?

✅ 23:07 - Regularly Updating High-Value Content on Competitive SERPs

✅ 30:52 - Ways to Tactically/Strategically Approach Content Updates

Listen to /watch the full episode here →

Effective content distribution is the difference between anyone seeing what your team is creating and it collecting dust on your website.

In episode 7, Nate Turner and Derek Flint talk about the art of distribution and the practice of repurposing existing content to amplify your best messaging efficiently. This discussion ranges from tactical approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of your distribution efforts.

TL;DR Moments in the discussion worth checking out:

✅ 1:15 - Why Is Content Repurposing So Valuable? 

✅ 5:08 - How to Think About Choosing Your Distribution Channels

✅ 9:37 - Scalable Processes to Break Down Content Into Social Posts

✅ 13:00 - How Many Social Posts Can You Create From a Single Blog Post?

✅ 15:11 - Content Repurposing Is Not ONLY About Your Old Content

✅ 21:38 - Approaching Metrics Around Your Content Distribution

✅ 26:25 - Pitfalls Content Teams Make Around Distribution Efforts

Listen to /watch the full episode here →
Recommended Article About This Topic: Yes, You Should Be Repurposing Content [+ 7 Examples To Get Started & Expand Your Reach]

While various written forms of content are often the most approachable for marketing teams, your audience will likely benefit from using multiple media types in your content strategy.

In this episode, Nate Turner and Kevin King discuss the value of using various media types, organizing your website when hosting multiple formats, and evaluating the impact those media types have on your business.

TL;DR Moments in the discussion worth checking out:

✅ 1:21 - Why Use Multiple Media Types in Your Content Marketing Efforts?

✅ 6:04 - How to Determine Which Media Types/Formats to Create?

✅ 11:08 - How to Organize Multiple Media Formats on Your Website

✅ 14:53 - Use an SEO Mindset to Prevent Internal Competition Across Multi-Media Types 

✅ 22:17 - How to Understand the Business Impacts of Different Content Media Types

Listen to /watch the full episode here →

Stay Tuned for Season 3 of the Content That Grows Podcast

To catch up on the first two seasons and to be ready for season 3, you can subscribe or follow along on your favorite podcast-friendly platforms. 

The Content That Grows is available on all the major podcast streaming services (Spotify, Apple, Google, and YouTube) and our website. Thank you for listening!

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