May 6, 2024

The Right Way To Repurpose B2B SaaS Content for Social Media

Ryan Sargent
Ryan Sargent

Repurposing content for social media isn't just recycling old blog posts and regurgitating the same content over and over. In fact, repurposing existing content is all about reimagining your valuable insights for new platforms and audiences. Why does this matter? Because in a world where every click counts, making your content work harder across social channels is essential for growth and engagement. 

Below, we’ll show you how to effectively adapt your SaaS content for social media, ensuring every piece serves a purpose and reaches its full potential. 

Why should you repurpose your B2B SaaS content?

Content repurposing is the strategic practice of taking existing content and presenting it in a new format on a new platform to extend its lifespan and reach a wider audience. For B2B SaaS companies, this approach is priceless. It allows for the efficient use of resources while maximizing the impact of every content piece created.

The benefits are clear: repurposing content enhances engagement, broadens your reach, and offers a cost-effective way to maintain a consistent presence across various channels. 

Instead of constantly generating new content, repurposing allows you to highlight your existing valuable content, ensuring it receives the attention it deserves across all platforms. This strategic efficiency underscores the importance of repurposing in today’s competitive content landscape, where being seen and heard is paramount.

How to identify content you should repurpose

Deciding which pieces of your content are ripe for repurposing is the first step in maximizing their value across social media platforms. The trick lies in identifying which content can generate more engagement, reach a wider audience, and ultimately, drive more value for your B2B SaaS business. 

Here's how you can sift through your content to find the real gems.

Consider criteria for social media content

Highly repurposable content typically shares a few key characteristics. It's timeless, meaning it remains relevant over time, driving engagement long after its initial publication. It resonates well with your audience, as evidenced by high engagement rates, and it's versatile enough to be adapted across various platforms. Content that ticks these boxes is a prime candidate for repurposing, capable of achieving extended reach and impact.

Leverage analytics

Diving into your social media and website analytics is a crucial step in this process. Tools like Google Analytics and native platform insights offer a clear picture of what content performs best. Focus on metrics such as page views, engagement rates, and conversion data. Content that garners high traffic or engagement is your low-hanging fruit for repurposing, suggesting it already strikes a chord with your audience.

Audit and organize your existing content

An organized audit of your existing content can unearth potential repurposing opportunities. Catalog your content by type, keyword or topic, and performance metrics. This bird's-eye view not only helps in pinpointing high-performing content but also in identifying gaps or themes that can be expanded upon and repurposed. Keeping your content inventory tidy and accessible streamlines the selection process for future repurposing efforts.

Assess content trends

Staying aligned with current trends and audience interests is key to repurposing success. Evaluate your content's relevance against trending topics, seasonal themes, or upcoming industry events. Content that aligns with these trends or can be quickly updated to do so will likely resonate well on social media, boosting your engagement and visibility among your target B2B SaaS audience.

Tips for tailoring content to different social media platforms

Adapting your content for various social media platforms is more than a best practice — it's essential for B2B SaaS companies aiming to maximize their content marketing efforts. Different platforms cater to unique audiences and require specific strategies to engage effectively. 

Let's explore how to refine your content creation for a broad spectrum of social channels, ensuring your message not only fits the format but also resonates with your intended audience.


LinkedIn stands as the professional epicenter for B2B SaaS companies, where whitepapers, detailed articles, and professional content thrive. Convert your comprehensive guides and reports into digestible LinkedIn articles or posts. Incorporating insights from webinars and podcast episodes as article content can also drive engagement, making LinkedIn a powerhouse for your content marketing strategy.


Yes, TikTok for B2B SaaS! This platform offers a unique opportunity to humanize your brand and showcase your company culture or the lighter side of your technology. Repurpose snippets from webinars or behind-the-scenes from content creation into short, engaging videos. 

Embrace creativity to explain complex SaaS concepts in simple terms, and don't shy away from using trends to your advantage. TikTok's rapid-fire format challenges you to make every second count, pushing the boundaries of traditional social media marketing.


YouTube's format is perfect for deep dives into video tutorials, webinars, and product demonstrations. Transform your in-depth content into engaging video material with clear visuals and concise explanations. 

Remember, SEO plays a crucial role here; optimize your video titles, descriptions, and tags with targeted keywords to ensure your content is discoverable. YouTube not only enhances your content's reach but also significantly contributes to your overall SEO and content marketing strategy.


On Facebook, the aim is to foster community with your audience. Make your B2B SaaS content more casual and relatable, encouraging discussion and sharing. Transform technical guides into engaging stories or share highlights from recent podcast episodes, inviting your audience to explore the full content. Facebook groups can also be a valuable space for sharing insights and building a community around your SaaS solutions.

X (Twitter)

X, formerly Twitter, demands brevity and wit. Distill the essence of your SaaS content into impactful tweets, leveraging strong calls to action and hashtags to boost visibility. Share key takeaways from webinars or interesting stats from your latest piece of content to spark conversations. This platform's real-time nature makes it ideal for sharing content updates or industry news and engaging directly with your audience.


Instagram posts create a visual storyboard. Use this platform to create visually appealing posts, stories, and short videos from existing content. B2B infographics, quick SaaS tips, and highlights from your latest piece of content can be transformed into eye-catching visuals. Utilize Instagram's features to add interactive elements like polls or questions, inviting engagement and further exploration of your content.


Pinterest is a treasure trove for visually driven content. Convert your long (or short) blog posts, infographics, and how-to guides into pins that captivate and inform. Ensure your pins feature high-quality images and use text overlay to clearly convey the value of your content. Optimized with the right keywords, these pins can drive significant traffic to your site, supporting both your social media marketing and SEO efforts.

5 steps to repurpose content for social media posts

Efficiently repurposing content for social media not only amplifies your message across platforms but also introduces your brand to new audiences. Here’s a strategic, step-by-step process to ensure your content reaches its fullest potential in the digital marketing realm.

1. Select your existing content to repurpose

The foundation of a successful repurposing strategy is selecting the right types of content. Prioritize evergreen content that continues to be relevant and high-performing pieces that have historically engaged your audience. This could range from a popular blog content piece to a YouTube video that garnered significant attention. The key is to choose content that has proven adaptability and can resonate with different segments of your target market.

2. Modify the content to fit the chosen platforms

Each social media channel has its unique format and audience preferences. Transforming a detailed blog post into a series of tweets, a LinkedIn article, or an Instagram carousel requires thoughtful modifications. 

Adjust the length, tone, and visuals of your content to suit the platform while preserving the core message. For example, video content might need to be edited into shorter clips for TikTok or reformatted into an engaging YouTube video to captivate viewers effectively.

3. Maintain brand voice and style

Consistency in brand voice and visual identity across social media channels reinforces your brand’s message and aids in building trust with your audience. Whether you're reposting a blog article on LinkedIn or sharing video content on Instagram, ensure that your brand's essence is unmistakable. This cohesiveness is crucial for brands aiming to strengthen their digital marketing strategy and become recognizable on any platform.

4. Engage your audience

Interaction drives engagement. When repurposing content, incorporate elements that prompt your audience to engage directly with your post. This could be a call to action inviting comments, questions to spark a discussion, or interactive polls on Instagram stories. Engaging content not only fosters a community around your brand but also signals to social media algorithms that your content is valuable, increasing its visibility.

5. Analyze and optimize over time

The digital marketing landscape is always evolving, and so should your content strategy. Use social media analytics tools to track how your repurposed content performs across different channels. 

Pay attention to metrics like engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversions. Analyzing these insights allows you to refine your approach, optimize future content, and ensure that your efforts continue to align with your audience's interests and search engine trends. 

Regularly revisiting and updating your strategy based on performance data is key to sustaining growth and engagement on social media.

Start purposefully repurposing your content with Ten Speed

We've covered the transformative process of giving old content new life across different formats on social media. From selecting high-quality content with the potential for reuse to tweaking it for various platforms, the power of repurposing is clear. 

It's about more than recycling posts to boost your social media accounts. Instead, it’s actually about strategically managing your content to engage new audiences and boost your digital presence. As a content creator, embracing diverse content formats breathes fresh life into your work, making each piece of content work harder for you.

And the best part is, even without dedicated influencers at your disposal or a social media management team, you can take advantage of this process. If you want to elevate your B2B SaaS company's social posts and repurposing efforts with proven case studies and strategies, Ten Speed is your go-to partner. We specialize in turning your existing content into a powerful tool for engagement and growth.

Prepared to transform your content strategy? Book a call with Ten Speed today, and let’s give your content the momentum it deserves.

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